Day 25: Celebrate the Day!

WORD Art PS 118_24

WORD Art PS 118_24

The Summer Soak Devotional series is no longer available on this blog. We’ve published! It is available in paperback or as an ebook through Amazon.

©2014 Susan Cady,


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2 thoughts on “Day 25: Celebrate the Day!”

  1. What a great focus for this morning! This morning when I got out of the bed I really just felt like crawling under the bed for the rest of the day! ( Please tell me I’m not the only one to ever feel this way!) Its so easy to feel overwhelmed. I love the word picture and the richness of the Greek for “look”. Such wisdom in when we feel overwhelmed to Really Look to Him and focus my attention on Him and Who He is, His character and the attributes that are so above us. It really does change my perspective for the day. Who knows, I might even end up laughing and dancing through the day as opposed to hiding under the bed!! Thank you Susan for helping me to pause, think and focus instead of just reacting to all that is happening around me.

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Susan Cady

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