Tis the Season Christmas
Tis the Season Week 4: Loving Like Jesus
How will the love of Jesus find expression in your life as you seek to love others this Christmas season? Thanks for sticking with us the last ...
Read More Tis the Season Week 3: Grateful Hearts
How can we stay focused on a heart that gives thanks and glorifies God? How can we cultivate a grateful and giving heart this season? ...
Read More Tis the Season Week 2: Hectic Schedules
With full calendars and long to-do lists, it's easy to become distracted from the true reason for celebration during the Christmas season. What tends to divide ...
Read More Tis the Season Week 1: Heart Attitudes
Thanks for joining us for 'Tis the Season as we seek to prepare our hearts and homes for a Christ-centered Christmas. Our guiding verses for ...
Read More Tis the Season: Introduction
Thanks for joining us for the Advent study, 'Tis the Season: Preparing Our Hearts and Homes for a Christ-Centered Christmas. If you missed the earlier ...
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Hi! I'm Susan,
I am a lover of books, antiques, gardening, decorating, baking, and all things family and home.
I am a Christ-follower who is addicted to God's Word and so thankful for how He transforms my life through it! This blog is just me sharing my walk with Jesus and all He teaches me in all the seasons and circumstances of my life. It is my hope this blog encourages you to fill your life with beauty and Truth.