The Summer Soak Devotional series is no longer available on this blog. We’ve published! It is available in paperback or as an ebook through Amazon.
©2014 Susan Cady,
The Summer Soak Devotional series is no longer available on this blog. We’ve published! It is available in paperback or as an ebook through Amazon.
©2014 Susan Cady,
Reading those specific verses and making a list from them of what God’s goodness has accomplished in my life made me want to bow the knee in submission and thanksgiving! Because of His Goodness, I was given salvation and purpose in life: to be conformed to the image of His Son, to be His ambassador, as a minister of reconciliation. As a result, I want to serve Him, to please Him!
I wonder how different our lives would be if we focused more on God’s goodness to us and to make it our goal each day to please Him and not others. Spiritual warfare will increase in the days ahead just like physical war on this earth. If our focus now is not on Who God is but more on self, wanting to please others and “to fit in”, how will that strengthen the army of God for the future days? Besides what we are doing now in this Bible study, focusing on the character of God, does anyone have any other thoughts on what believers could be doing to strengthen our inner Spirit? This Bible study has definitely done that for me but would love to hear your “tips” on how to keep on strengthening it!
Awesome points and questions Eleanor! Hope to hear other’s thoughts on her questions.